
I'm a firm believer in a healthy work-life balance. I generally love what I do, so I spend a lot of time on it, but I do have a few hobbies to let me decompress. You can learn more about my thoughts on work-life balance here:

I currently live in Pasadena, CA with my wife, son and two Newfoundland dogs. It's a lovely town, with a strong history of entrepreneurship and technology. You can usually find me walking around the Rose Bowl or golfing.
Scuba Diving

I've been scuba diving since I was 12 years old. I essentially got certified as soon as I could. Naturally, as a kid growing up in Pasadena, CA, where the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory is just down the street, I wanted to be an astronaut. As soon as I heard that the astronauts trained for zero-g environments by scuba diving, I knew I had to learn. Since learning, I've gotten a bunch of certifications, gone diving in caves and wrecks, and been to nearly every continent.
Computer Graphics

I generally regard computer graphics as one of the most underrated technological developments of the 20th century. CGI usually gets written off as only useful in entertainment, but I think that it will increasingly transform our lives. I started tinkering with computer graphics using Bryce and Adobe Flash back in my childhood, but now I spend most of my time in Cinema4D and Houdini. As machine learning and real time game engines begin coalescing, the world of computer graphics is only going to get more interesting, so I spend a lot of time tinkering with 3D software.

I've been a huge gamer since I was a kid. In middle-school, I ran a competitive Counter-Strike team that played in local tournaments. I've been a fan of eSports since the Cyberathlete Professional League started holding competitions in Texas (which I could never figure out a way to attend unfortunately). If you've ever seen Frag or Die, we probably have an insane amount in common.
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